Analyst1: A New Breed of Cyber Threat Intelligence
Cyber threats are one of the most serious economic and national security challenges businesses of all sizes and verticals face. The dynamic nature, frequency, complexity, and magnitude of cyber intrusions present challenges to the best solutions available.
What is the problem?
Most organizations have internal security systems producing data about the activity on their networks. They also have access to external sources of data containing observations from third parties. The primary purpose of this type of security is to inform organizations of the risks of advanced persistent threats, zero-day threats and exploits.
Cybersecurity experts lack an effective way to obtain actionable insight from these multiple sources of information, leaving their networks unsecured. Security experts spend precious intellectual capital using text editors and spreadsheets to manually extract, sort, and correlate disparate information before a moment is spent on analysis or response.
Results with Analyst1
Analyst1 establishes an evolving knowledge base of correlated insights about threats, attack patterns, malware families, vulnerabilities, internal assets, mission-critical systems at risk, and the defensive posture of a network over time.