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Analyst1: DHS Automated Indicator Sharing (AIS)

Analyst1: DHS Automated Indicator Sharing (AIS)

DHS Automated Indicator Sharing (AIS) enables the exchange of cyber threat indicators between the federal government and the private sector at machine speed.

What is the problem?

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) established the AIS to create a cyber ecosystem where as soon as a stakeholder observes an attempted compromise, the cyber threat indicator of compromise (IOC) will be shared in real time with all Partners, protecting everyone from that threat.

Results with Analyst1

Analyst1 consumes and correlates AIS data at machine speed with existing threat intelligence data, providing security teams with comprehensive and evolving threat context enabling decisive and confident defensive actions. Analyst1 also includes 150+ sources, millions of curated IOCs, and multiple integrations across existing security products, allowing the ability to operationalize threat intelligence and maximize return on current security investments.
