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ON DEMAND: Behind Enemy Lines: Finally the Unmasking of LockBit

ON DEMAND: Behind Enemy Lines: Finally the Unmasking of LockBit

Prior to the May 7th indictment of Dmitry Khoroshev, AKA, LockBitSupp, Analyst1, was onto him and tracing his identity and activities across the darkweb. One hour after the indictment we released Ransomware Diareis 5, revealing many details about the Leader of LockBits real world identity.

Key take aways:

  • Evolution and techniques of LockBit
  • Analysis of law enforcement’s Operation Cronos
  • How were we able to connect the dots that led us to Dmitry


  • Recorded on: Tuesday June 11, 2024


Host: Kurtis Minder

Kurtis Minder is the CEO and co-founder of GroupSense, a leading provider of digital risk solutions. Kurtis built a robust cyber reconnaissance operation protecting some of the largest enterprises and government organizations.

Kurtis has been the lead negotiator at GroupSense for ransomware response cases. He has successfully navigated and negotiated some of the largest ransomware, breach, and data extortion cases worldwide.

Interviewee: Jon DiMaggio

Jon DiMaggio is the Chief Security Strategist at Analyst1 and has over 16 years of experience hunting, researching, and writing about advanced cyber threats. In 2022, Jon’s authored “The Art of Cyberwarfare,” which earned him the prestigious SANS Difference Makers Award, solidifying his status as a thought leader in the industry. The following year, SANs recognized his work onceå again awarding his most notable research “The Ransomware Diaries,” further solidifying his reputation as a leading authority in cybersecurity research and innovation. Jon’s multifaceted contributions continue to shape the cybersecurity landscape, inspiring countless individuals and organizations to navigate the complexities of digital security with resilience and foresight. Jon’s other notable achievements include his appearance on 60 Minutes, where he discussed his undercover operations infiltrating some of the world top ransomware gangs. Jon’s research has been featured in The New York Times, Wired, Bloomberg, Fox, CNN, Reuters and other news organizations.

