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Audio Version – Ransomware Diaries: Volume 1

Audio Version – Ransomware Diaries: Volume 1

by Jon DiMaggio - Chief Security Strategist

Today Analyst1 is releasing an audio version of the Ransomware Diaries: Volume 1 -Unlocking LockBit. Listen to Jon tell his story and insight with additional details and commentary only found in the audio version of the official report. Using deception techniques stolen straight from the adversary’s playbook, Jon deceives and infiltrates the gang revealing new information about the world’s most notorious ransomware gang.

Voice by Jon DiMaggio.

Read “Ransomware Diaries: Volume 1”
Read the Report

Jon DiMaggio

Chief Security Strategist

Jon DiMaggio is the chief security strategist at Analyst1 and has over 15 years of experience hunting, researching, and writing about advanced cyber threats. As a specialist in enterprise ransomware attacks and nation-state intrusions, such as "Ransom Mafia: Analysis of the World’s First Ransomware Cartel",

"Nation-State Ransomware" and a "History of REvil". He has exposed the criminal cartels behind major ransomware attacks, aided law enforcement agencies in federal indictments of nation-state attacks, and discussed his work with The New York Times, Bloomberg, Fox, CNN, Reuters, and Wired. You can find Jon speaking about his research at conferences such as RSA. Additionally, in 2022, Jon authored the book "The Art of Cyberwarfare: An Investigator's Guide to Espionage, Ransomware, and Organized Cybercrime" published by No Starch Press.